
Los Angeles, CA

Jungmiwha Bullock, MA, ABD was recently elected president in 2006 for the Association of MultiEthnic Americans (AMEA), one of the oldest, leading international associations of organizations dedicated to the advocacy and representation of "multiracial", "multiethnic" and "transracial adoption" individuals, families, relationships, communities and allies since 1988. She has served as a board member for AMEA since 2003. Ms. Bullock is also the designated alternate representative to Ramona Douglass to sit on the U.S. Decennial Census Advisory Council in Washington DC, and the co-overseer of the new national Mixed Heritage Center (MHC) funded by the K&F Baxter Family Foundation.

Ms. Bullock is currently a PhD candidate and Irvine Fellow at the University of Southern California in the interdisciplinary Program of American Studies & Ethnicity. Her core disciplines are Sociology and Political Science, integrating methods in both qualitative and quantitative analyses. She assists in teaching several courses at USC, including those entitled, "Introductory to Social Problems" and "Diversity and Racial Conflict." Her own work focuses on transnational "multiracial/ethnic" discourse, with current interests relating to racial formation; race and politics; civic engagement; gender, media and culture; political participation and mobilization within the so-called "Multiracial Movement"; and studies of intersectionality. She also holds a M.A. in International Education and Policy from NYU, and undergraduate degrees in Public Relations/Advertising and Marketing from Penn State University.

Jungmiwha Bullock also holds an executive board officer position for the Media Image Coalition in Los Angeles hosted at CBS, through the Los Angeles Commission on Human Relations. Her other professional memberships include the American Studies Association, American Political Science Association, American Sociological Association, Mortar Board International Honor Society, and the Woodhull Institute for Ethical Leadership. She has also held other numerous leadership positions nationally and internationally and was one of the founders of B.O.T.H. (Blend of Traditional Heritages) at Penn State--one of the first multiracial student organizations to be created on a college campus.

Among other accolades, in 2004 she helped represent the "mixed race" community at the UC Regents meeting at UCLA to challenge Ward Connerly's RE-52 proposal, which sought to institutionalize a misdirected "multi-ethnic" classification on undergraduate admissions forms. Jungmiwha Bullock has also served as a keynote speaker to several conferences and events, including the Stanford West Coast conference on the Multiracial Experience, Iowa State University's first annual ME (MultiEthnic) Week, and Boeing Corporation's Asian Heritage Month in 2005.

In addition, she has presented several of her empirical research projects at several national conferences. Her most recent empirical study, entitled "Simultaneous Identities: Contestation and Harmony Within the Endless Combinations of Multiracial Bodies" investigates the different experiences that are faced by people who self-identify as "mixed race", beyond just the Black and White binary. She is also preparing to publish her findings from her latest study, entitled "The Exotic Project: The Hidden Triangulation of Exoticism, Eroticism and "Multiracial" (Women's) Bodies".

Over the years, she has been involved in grassroots activism and policy reform with the likes of the United Nations, Legacy International, Agency for Women and Children in Development, Inc., Higher Achievement, Inc., among other organizations. Jungmiwha Bullock is a proud woman and daughter of BOTH African-American and Korean parentage/marriage of over 35 years (Sukye & Orlando) and the proud sister of three older brothers (Orlando, Toriano, and Zikomo). She grew up in Baltimore, Maryland and currently lives in Los Angeles, California.